Enter an advert on WENET
Find the right buyer
Sales expert
Register, advertise and we will publish your property on WENET, Homegate, Immoscout24 and cover the costs for you
Best price guarantee
Free for new users for a limited time and no third party invoice e.g. Homegate, Immoscout, etc.
Premium Service
No hidden costs - we cover all listing costs. Pay no commission for the sale of your property - free of charge.
3 simple steps to sales success
2. advertise
Enter the details of your property and upload photos.
3. publish
After we have checked your advert, it will be published on WE-NET.ch, Homegate.ch and Immoscout24.ch.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
WE-NET property advertising is completely free of charge. The costs are borne by WENET AG.
Between 2 - 24 hours
You can see this from the coloured status bar in your Accountwhere you will be kept informed on an ongoing basis.
Usually until the target has been reached - Sold! Then we ask you to inform us about it: [email protected]
In your Account or via our support team: [email protected]
Why the WE-NET solution?
Sell your property in record time with minimal effort.
Maximum yield
Benefit from our large database of buyers and get the best price.
We guide you through every step and ensure full transparency.
Insertion, publication, sale, free of charge! How? We will be happy to explain the advantages of advertising with us and all the details in the following article.
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