Become part of the success

Wenet offers opportunities for everyone!

The key to success lies in the network.
That’s why we are connected with partners who are also reliable professionals in their core competencies.

We place great importance on working closely with our partners, gaining new customers, and expanding our business model for greater success and new opportunities. We help each other grow and further develop our expertise. We seek competent partnerships that want to actively shape the future with us. Among other things, the following factors are considered for inclusion:​

Everyone is a realtor, through us!

Our experts will guide you.

At WENET, we offer you the opportunity to benefit and participate in our success, freely and without obligation, part-time or as a freelancer.


Our reward for your referrals.

Join now and benefit!

Join us and easily refer properties via photo to WENET AG. Here’s how it works:

1. Take a photo of a property for sale.

2. Send the location and photo to: [email protected]

3. Receive a reward of CHF 1,000 if the property is sold through WENET AG!

Successful Together

Our partnerships are the key to your success.

Jonathan Müller

Since 2015, Wenet AG and Jonathan Müller have been working successfully in the Berlin real estate market, characterized by trust, transparency, and top-notch service (sample photo).


Sophia Lorenz

Since 2018, Wenet AG and Sophia Lorenz have been working successfully in the Swiss real estate market, making the collaboration enjoyable and leaving a desire for more.


Thomas K.

Since his retirement in 2017, Thomas K. has been working with us, which offers him many opportunities and freedoms. He always has access to a comprehensive network, making his work with Wenet easier (sample photo).


Alan R.

Since 2017, Wenet AG and Alan R. have joined forces to excel both in the restaurant business and in real estate. This partnership benefits both sides as they continuously exchange ideas and share experiences.


Our partners are more than just business contacts. They are part of our success story.

In the world of real estate, it’s the people and their stories that make the difference. At Wenet AG, we are proud to collaborate with some of the best minds in the industry. Every partnership tells a tale of trust, vision, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Dive into the captivating stories of our partnerships and see how we shape the real estate market together.

finazierung partner icon

Your springboard in the real estate industry

With Wenet AG by your side, you not only receive support but also access to exclusive real estate projects, the Immo-Tip Program, and investment opportunities. Let’s conquer new horizons together.

Submit a partnership request now

Whether someone qualifies as a partner depends on the performance of other factors and companies in the respective country. After receiving your application, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt. If necessary, additional documents will be requested from you. These will be evaluated by us. After the evaluation is complete, you will receive a confirmation of acceptance. We look forward to your application.

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