Experience service up close

Try it out for 1 week with no obligation.

Real estate sales are based on trust. Get to know us during a free trial week and experience our service. After that, you can decide if and how to proceed.

Here’s how it works

Discover quality

Experience our exclusive offer: Use our real estate service for one week at no cost. Dive into our efficient way of working and see for yourself the quality we strive for.

Certified & Tested

Take your time and trust only verified and certified real estate consulting. No risk – confirmed expertise. Watch us at work. When it comes to real estate sales, trust is what matters – and we want to earn yours.

254,000 potential buyers

Take advantage of our trial week: Present your property to 254,000 potential buyers for free!


Try our exclusive sales subscription: one week of property sales service, completely free of charge and with no obligations. After that, the decision is yours.

You can try our offer risk-free for one week. Let our expertise and experience convince you.

Choosing the right real estate agent is crucial. With our trial subscription, you will get to know us and our working methods intensively, so you can make an informed choice.

We respect that. Use our offer to get a clear picture at your own pace. We are ready to make the process as smooth and transparent as possible for you.

Our trial week comes with no obligations. Even afterward, we work success-oriented and take on all the risk for you.


Get to know us, and we’ll get started right away

For one week, we work for you without any obligations, so you can experience our performance up close.





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Every great collaboration begins with a conversation. Our experts are happy to assist you.


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